holy fuck, guys! this movie was banger!!!

ever since the first trailer for this movie i was apprehensively excited. does that make sense? like on one hand HOLY FUCK MARIO MOVIE!! THATS ANIMATED! but on the other, illumination.... and celebrity voice cast.... yipe!

the more and more they showed though, the more excited i became. i actually got used to chris pratt mario pretty quick, probably because they redesigned the whole cast for this movie. then the premier happened and..... people were NOT happy. well, by "people" i mean professional movie critics who we all know arent actually people. they were shitting all over this movie probably because they were looking at it with such a critical lense AND they arent fucking mario fans.

this movie was made for two groups: families, and people with way too much mario knowledge in their noggin. i fall into the latter category but also im kind of a braindead toddler so i guess i fit into both?? lol. anyway, for people who fit into either category this movie is a very fun time, and just a huge treat both visually and auditorily! oh man, where the fuck do i even begin????

guys ill be honest, i dont have a lot to say without spoiling the entire movie and all the silly jokes and bits. i really just think u should see it!! i really really recommend it, i saw it twice on opening day and a third time 2 days later if that shows just how much i love this movie. if u dont want to see it in theaters i get it, just PLEASE check it out when it comes to streaming or something. or just like. dm me and ask to watch it with me when it does and ill do it in a heartbeat ahahaha

i planned to do a whole review but man i dont think anything i could say with my severely undercooked vocabulary would do any of it justice... if u like mario you will love this damn movie and i promise the cast actually did a fantastic job!! they really really did and im so happy that this movie is real