[S] Jade: Examine new prison.

You are quick to realize there is truly nothing here. The grey and white blocks stretch onward indefinitely, in all directions. There is no wind, there is no sun. The air around you is the final bastion of normalcy, but even its stillness is alien to you.

You do not know when or how you arrived in this transparency, or if you are even alone, but one thing is clear to you. You will not be given the chance to leave any time soon. It is almost comforting, in a way, knowing that any and all attempts at escape will be futile. With your hope already eliminated, why attempt escape at all? The thought runs through your head, and the scariest thing is your immediate reaction to it: resignation.

"Resignation is a grave act; never performed by a right minded man without forethought or with reserve." -Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Yes, you are one hundred and ten percent positive that Francois de La Rochefoucauld said that. Definitely. Absolutely.

You have a feeling this purgatory is going to be never-ending.

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